For growing readers, developing reading comprehension skills is vitally important. As children enter new grade levels, they’re likely to be faced with different reading challenges. From textbooks to homework and complex reading assignments, how a child understands what he or she is reading can significantly impact their academic performance and future in general. 

Work on Vocabulary

Reading comprehension and vocabulary go hand in hand. By expanding vocabulary and understanding the meaning of different words, readers are bound to build their comprehension skills. There are so many excellent ways for both new and experienced readers to exercise their vocabulary.

  • Learn new words and make it a point to use them in both written and verbal communication scenarios.
  • Expand creativity by making fun flashcards and creating quizzes to improve memory of words and their meaning.
  • Write down words that are unfamiliar and look up their definitions
  • Read aloud alone or in front of a friend/group 

Break Down Context Clues 

Using context clues is an excellent way for a reader to understand what they’re reading. When a reader is having trouble understanding the main idea of a sentence or paragraph, the surrounding words may give them a better insight into the structure of the text and how it is to be perceived. Surrounding subject matter plays a key role in reading comprehension.

Ask Questions and Have Discussions 

Asking a reader specific questions about a book they’re reading is a great way to stimulate the memories of what they read. Ask specific questions related to different parts of a book. Discuss feelings and emotions, the main idea, and the character’s personalities. Identify different themes and what they might mean. Let the reader share their thoughts and interpretations and encourage them to dive deeper into the story. 

Use Smaller Sections 

If a reader begins struggling with comprehension when they enter a more advanced reading level, it may be helpful to break things up into smaller sections. Breaking a book or novel into sections can give a reader more time to think about what they’re learning. To take it a step further, if the text is on the more challenging side, breaking it down by paragraph can also be effective.